Forrest Pilates

(305) 606-2448
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Forrest Pilates

    The Forrest Method

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    The Forrest Method

    The Forrest Method® has its roots in Movement with awareness, Thetahealing, unified therapy, breathwork and life changing nutrition. The Forrest Method draws on science to help our students experience personal growth, emotional breakthroughs and spiritual development.

    Modern science is just catching up to the ancient wisdom of the mind-body connection and the effect that mental patterns (e.g., stress, past traumas ) can have on the body through biochemical pathways.

    We can release psychological trauma by addressing chronic tension patterns and holdings in the body. The brain shuts down non-essential functions and focuses all its efforts on pure survival. Usually, after the stressor is over, the brain can once again continue all other functions. However, some people may get stuck in survival mode.

    In our Forrest Method class, what we are trying to do is re-establish the connection that is lost between the brain and the body through different techniques. This unique class of self exploration teaches our students how to go from surviving to thriving.

    Our Classes offer practices that could encourage a meaningful life.

    A quest for knowing oneself more fully.

    A coming back home to oneself.

    Are You Experiencing....

    • High levels of stress
    • Poor Diet
    • Improper Sleep
    • Trauma (PTSD)
    • Negative thought patterns
    • Lack of regular exercise
    • Inflammation
    • Immune imbalances
    • Digestive problems
    • Toxic exposure
    • Searching for meaning and purpose in your life.

    Are You Looking For....

    • Love
    • Purpose in life
    • Meaningful life
    • Balance
    • Fulfillment
    • Stability
    • Happiness
    • Money
    • Freedom
    • Peace
    • Passion
    • Confidence
    • Meaningful relationships

    Our services help our students take control of their health and wellbeing. We empower our students with the knowledge and tools they need to manage their own stress; to help them recognize and identify the things that trigger their stress response; and to take action before it does them harm.

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    A line drawing of a lotus flower with leaves on a white background.

    "The way is the sacred, heroic human journey in which you are the unknown path ahead, you are the inquiring practices of self-realization, and you are the final destination from which you have never left. The way is a pilgrimage through form to remember that Holy one, the living master of light, the ever-innocent one, abides within you as your true self, regardless of all phenomena and circumstance. It is a journey taken in the worlds of form to integrate every emotion and human experience that is necessary for you to one day stand before the throne of your I AM Presence and pronounce yourself worthy of the immaculate divine love that you have always been, and always will be — eternally."

    Forrest Method Report

    From Surviving to Thriving! 

    Free Forrest Method Report

    Pilates Report

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